Monday, July 27, 2009

Ernest Hemingway, regarding the Mako shark.
‘Everything about him was beautiful except his jaws….He is not a scavenger nor just a moving appetite….He is beautiful and noble and knows no fear of anything.’

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I was inside a small room inside a small building. The room was packed with computer and other related technical equipment. I was there spying with another person. Then a small group of paramilitary police came in equipped with various fighting and technical equipment. They held medium sized weapons shaped as riffles that shot small puffs of lighting. Actually, the weapons emitted small puffs of electromagnetically charged particles created to stun the living target, or short circuit any device that functioned on electricity. Suddenly, and without warning, four of the men began shooting at myself and the other spy. They shot at the man striking him directly, purple sparks deflecting off his cell phone, and he fell to the floor; I do not know if he died. The four men next began shooting at me, missing me and striking some high shelves over-head; the shelves collapsed, and electrical and other related equipment fell to the floor, crashing and making popping noises as thick, heavy panes of glass breaking. They targeted me again, missing me a second time and striking the roof; my heart sank, yet I was surprised as to why they missed me. Over head through the open space of the roof came down a portable EGM. The unit was shaped resembling a chevron about three feet wide and 1.5 feet in length. The control handles were black, and the rest of the control buttons and mode switches were black and orange, and the body of the mechanism was yellow. Before the mechanism fell to the floor, I grabbed both control handles, and the machine automatically activated. The device immediately pulled me into the air and through the roof opening. The men again began launching more shots of electrically charged particles at me and just missed. The EGM unit rapidly pulled me up higher in the air, taking me over the crowded city. I could still hear the shots in the background. The city was all black, all buildings and streets, and bright blue and white lights lit up the side side walks and alleyways. I landed down in a dark ally. I was scared I was followed and ran down towards a dark old building that was constructed of dark black and grey bricks and was reinforced by steel I-beams; the beams were on the outside of the building. I entered the building and ran down some stairs that led to a hallway that connected some lower levels of the building. I found myself inside a small apartment. The walls and floors were dark gray colors, similar to the oust side of the building and trimmed with steel. The floors were not level; there were no windows, and the rooms were very small. There was an oriental man in the kitchen dressed in business clothes; he appeared to be about 50. He was surprised to see me. He said, “I cannot believe you are here how did you find us?” “Are you OK?” Then a cute little oriental boy ran up to me and gave me a big hug. He said, “I can’t believe you are here.” And I said, “Don’t worry; I did not forget about you.” I missed you so much.”
Copy Right Rocco LeFre

Sunday, December 21, 2008

“All those whom were murdered and other human beings whom died for disquieting, or under tragic circumstances, who all were at birth great humans, their presence and meaningful astrological purpose are comforting the fearful spirits of those in hurt.” Copy Right--2008 MR. Rocco LeFre

Monday, November 24, 2008


“All of the great inventors and humanitarians have been great dreamers.” Marguerite Carter


“Do not try to be funny; just be yourself: only you can be you.” Dee Ann Kinkade

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Fleeting Always

Fleeting so quickly are happy moments, contrasted by lingering sad happenings. Fleeting is time and all that exists. Is this natural to have fleeting love and fleeting happiness, or even fleeting children? Then why does sadness linger? We are gifted to be humans because We can choose happiness through practice. Remember! Practice is patience, is grace in action. Have wisdom by practicing grace, giving grace, and our happiness will not be fleeting.
Copy Right 2008 Rocco LeFre

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


“Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly, and listen to all others, even the dull and unimportant: they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter: for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in you business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as grass. Take kindly the council of years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not stress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond wholesome discipline be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive him to be, and whatever labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy.”

Monday, July 7, 2008

Excerpt From The Book, Gravity's Time

Ship's Technological Characteristics
A. Deflective Shielding and Protective Shielding.
1. Protective Shielding is implemented to guard the ship against non-solid objects such as very hot gases, radiation, small focused gravity sources, solar flares, unexplained anomalies, extreme electromagnetic sources, and plasma. An intense deflective gravity field (using reverse gravity waves) is generated from the surface of the ship up to six inches (sort of a transparent airtight suit of armor). 2. Deflective shielding is placed into operation to protect the ship against solid objects; at twenty-five times the speed of light, a spec of dust would fly right through the ship as a riffle bullet through space. A rock the size of a fist would fly through the ship as a missile through the vacuum of space. Conflicting gravimetric waves are generated from the surface of the ship outwards to a distance of 16 feet. In essence, a dense atmospheric field (35 times that of earth) is generated to deflect solid objects or to burn them up before striking the ship’s surface simulating a meteor striking the atmosphere of a planet. Small objects get burned up, and larger ones will be deflected away. Any objects in space the size of a desk or larger should be detected by the ship’s object sensors, and the ship’s course should be automatically corrected. If course correction is not implemented properly, the ship will experience a sudden “Course Shear”, and this could be very dangerous. This would create extreme spatial turbulence. Copy Right 2008 Mr. Rocco LeFre

Excerpt From The Book, Gravity's Time

Full Stop
The entire crew became unconscious, and accept for the breathing sounds of both the ship and crew there was nearly complete silence, The ship’s breathing sounds, although artificial, were created by a system of cooling fans (the heat drawn from the computers and other systems is utilized to keep the interior of the ship warm) for the computers, and the ventilation system for the crew. Otherwise, all the systems appeared to shut themselves down. Taikov was the first to awaken; she was dreaming before hand and breathing heavily. The first dream was very pleasant, yet the second dream was frightening. The dreams were vague and confusing, shifting back and forth between various thoughts as though her subconscious was attempting to stimulate her into waking up—a sense of urgency. In the final dream just before Taikov woke up, she was in a beautiful field of grass and trees. This was a very pleasant view. Then she looked up to a small hill, and the ship was there, sitting silently with the entrance hatch open. Her pleasant feeling turned into fear, and then she ran towards the entrance hatch and was confused because as she approached the ship its appearance was much different, for the appearance was dark brown instead of the sparkling black and gold. The sparkling black and gold appearance was both extremely beautiful and displayed a sense and aura of total strength; she and the crew felt very safe by the ships’ looks, and that secure feeling gave them confidence. Seeing the ship brown and dull gave Taikov a feeling that the ship was ill in some way; this terrified her. To be this far out in space makes the ship your entire world. She ran frantically towards the ship, yet the harder she attempted to run, the ship just remained that much farther away. The sinking, freighting feeling in her became great, and just as she finally approached the entrance hatch, she woke up and realized where she actually was. That trapped, helpless feeling dissipated, yet now she was confused and scared. Taikov immediately looked up at the screen and again became terrified; the ship was heading dead center towards a massive planet, and since she had no time to plot a new course and especially and emergency evasive maneuver, she punched the Master-Override Shut Off Control; This master control mechanism is not entirely a override control, however the mechanism is a full master shut-off control and is engaged in the event that the ship goes out of control, or some other major malfunction occurs. The function initiated is of a total auto pilot emergency control: The ship automatically navigates itself to the next nearest stellar body, stops, shuts down all non-vital systems, and holds until a corrective protocol is implemented. Nothing occurred after Taikov engaged the MOSOC, and she slammed the mechanism again as hard as she could and viewed the main screen again now seeing a blur this time. She almost became sick to her stomach and fell to the floor from total exhaustion; she now became extremely frightened suddenly realizing just how ill she was. She squeezed her forehead in an attempt to relieve the pain from a splitting headache. She was completely run-down; then she rubbed her eyes, took a deep breath, and listened for a moment, and then she realized and spoke out loud to herself, “Wow, completely unbelievable. We’re not moving at all! I can tell by the sound, yet I feel as though we are. They explained this in training; this is space sickness, similar to being overly intoxicated by alcohol; close your eyes during intoxication, and you will think you’re spinning, yet open them, and you know you are not spinning. However, space sickness is just the opposite; if I open my eyes, it appears we are still moving, and if I close my eyes and disconnect myself from my other senses, I can tell we are not moving.” Taikov kept her eyes closed and felt for the edge of the control console to guide herself in order to stand up. She slowly got up, opened here eyes, looked at the view screen, and the appearance of motion was still on the screen. Next, she looked at her hand, and her hand appeared to be moving closer to her face yet never really reaching her mouth. She closed her eyes again, opened them and stared carefully at the screen. This time there was no sight of motion. Then she looked over at the at her MPCC console screen; the green, yellow and red data fields had no color at all in them. Below those fields there was a larger data field, for this field was brightly illuminated purple, something she had never seen before. She sighed in relief. Purple data indicates that the MOSOC was automatically engaged due to an emergency. This typically occurs if there are no crew inputs with-in a certain time period, or a specific number of incorrect inputs are conducted. Subsequently, a number of incorrect inputs could indicate foreign intruders have attempted to take over the ship, and by the MOSOC engaging itself automatically, this could prevent such action. As stated earlier, in such cases the ship automatically navigates itself to the next closest stellar body and if possible to a body with some type of livable environment if the crew has to abandon ship; then the engines are automatically set in “idle” mode. Lighting, environmental, and the medical computers are the only systems functioning now, and no other systems can be accessed until the medical protocols are implemented. Taikov went over to the doctor’s medical control console and placed her index finger in a small slot; a scanning laser illuminated for sixty seconds, and next a green data message appeared on the medical screen. She read the message out loud, “Lt. Commander Ellen Taryn Taikov, assignment—Chief Engineer and Programmer, Master Propulsion Control Computers. Medical scans indicate you are healthy over-all, yet you have just experienced major trauma due to excessive multi-light speed travel. Great tell me something I do not know!” She then punched a command key with the abbreviation VI, denoting verbal interaction with the computer. The computer now had the capacity of verbal interaction with the operator. In normal flight procedures VI is not used because there would simply be too much audio activity creating verbal static on the bridge. The computer then in audio responded to her statement. “You are experiencing a serious case of space delay in conjunction with hyper-adrenal activation.” Taikov blurted back, “Well just what the hec does that mean?” The MC quickly responded back, “The reference to the word hec is not stored in the MC data glass, yet your inquiry is still understood; you are experiencing a complex and extreme case of Space Delay which can best compared to jet lag. The non scientific reference is Space Lag; however, this form of travel sickness is very serious and can be life threatening because Space Delay can interfere with proper brain wave patterns. There have been two recorded deaths from Space Lag. Taikov responded with a huge tone of relief in her voice, “Well, that explains the unconsciousness!” MC—“Correct.” Then Ellen asked the computer as if she were addressing a friend informally, “Also, why do I feel so exhausted as if I have not slept in week?” “MC—“Hyper adrenal activity is when you become completely exhausted from constantly functioning on adrenalin, for you have completely drained your entire energy reserves.” Taikov quickly interjected, “And the rest of the crew?” Initial medical scans indicated the entire crew is experiencing a severe case of Space lag, yet this needs to be confirmed by direct laser scan and agreed upon by Dr. Glazier.” The current estimated time of unconsciousness remains at 46 minutes for the men, and time remaining of unconsciousness for Doctor Glazier and resident Timons is just eight minutes; the crew requires absolute rest right now, and the only treatment for that is unconsciousness, for their minds and bodies require absolute rest. Taikov quickly interrupted inquiring with a tone of worry, “Wait! Why do the male members of the crew require 46 minutes of unconsciousness and the women only eight minutes?” The MC explained, “Medical yellow data suggest that in many cases of trauma, such as child birth, women have a greater reserve of stamina enabling them to withstand greater levels of pain and recover faster than men. In 2016, a so-called pain gene was isolated proving this medical characteristic. Both mean and women carry the gene; however this gene can be more easily activated in women; the instinct of survival component in the brain triggers the gene.” Then Taikov spoke to herself in her head, “That is absolutely fascinating. I would have become a biomedical engineer, accept that would have limited my chances in experiencing space travel; now look where I am. This is far beyond space travel; this is far beyond anything I could have ever imagined, almost beyond my comprehension! Hopefully, I’m not dreaming.” Suddenly Ellen heard moaning sounds from Lt. O Mally. The sounds indicated he was already waking up; she was both surprised and relieved from this. Then she addressed the computer again, “MC! I do not understand; I thought the men would remain unconscious for a least another forty-six minutes?” The MC blurted back, “That is correct.” “Then why did my flyboy. I mean why did fly boy; correction. Why is O Mally becoming conscious now, so soon?” Ellen with a tone of embarrassment inquired. “ The MC responded, “The term Flyboy is not recognized, yet the MC is able to define the life forms fly and boy, yet in referring to Lt. O Mally, his physical exam taken before mission launch and his gene mapping analysis indicate that his pain gene is more active than in most other human males; if O Mally was a women, he would easily endure giving birth to full size sextuplets. In other species of mammals, the pain gene is equally active in both females and males; hostile environmental factors are the greatest influence in the pain gene become active; your so named “flyboy” is adapting quickly to the effects of light-speed space travel.” Then O Mally questioned with much fatigue in his voice, “What the hell just happened? I feel as though somebody dropped an anvil on my head!” Taikov replied, “Nothing, but I always new you had a feminine side.” Copy Right 2008 Mr. Rocco LeFre

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Do not bite the hand that feeds you.

For hundreds of millions of years, all life on this planet only took from mother-nature/mother earth that which they required to grow and live in peace; life took care of their off-spring and gave back that which was in their nature, instincts, and ability. Then modern man came along and screwed it all up. Copy Right-2008 Mr. Rocco LeFre

Thomas Alva Edison

"The doctor of the future will give no medicines but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame in diet and in the causes of diseases."

The Pains of It All

“The Pains of it All” That never expressed goodbye. Those misunderstandings of communication. Unfulfilled desires-these are the certainly the prevalent. That absolute sadness from rejections. The intended yet unwanted episodes of self isolation. Non-compromise. Anger in the place of understanding. Self-destructive habits-how do we stop them? Hate is a rejection of humanity and wisdom. Non forgiveness. The total pain of regret- caused by the realization of one’s own mistakes. Why do are own mistakes feel much worse than of others’? Lost time from family because of selfishness. Why cannot we change? Copy Right 2008 Mr. Rocco LeFre

Monday, May 12, 2008

Excerpt from the book, Gravity’s Time

"The German Scientist"
The actions began shortly after a German scientist in 2069 wrote a long paper. Although, the paper was actually a short book. The scientist named the paper, “It’s all About Gravity.” The man was very logical, yet most who worked closely with him said he learned logic from his wife. The man was a physics /deep space expert. The focus of the book was to point out that if inter-galactic space travel were to ever be achieved, the two most abundant energy sources should be used; the second was hydrogen because hydrogen atoms are considered the oldest and most abundant; ninety percent of the atoms in the universe are hydrogen atoms (or hydrogen gas), and the first was gravity. He viewed gravity as the universe’s most abundant and valuable renewable energy resource. The fact that gravity exists in every place in the cosmos only logically concludes that gravity should be the fuel or power source that sends the first humans to other galaxies in deep space. This man was an extremist; he felt that to just jump over to the next, closest galaxy was pointless. The entire idea of space travel was go as fast as possible in as little time as possible. He was very annoyed at the fact that the science and space travel entities at that time were so narrow minded as he made reference in his book saying, “Why are they constantly attempting to develop new energy sources, taking years to design and implement and to only discover those sources are too costly, too complex, and still will not get our ships to travel to places worth discovering. They just do not get it. There is no source to develop; it is out there, in every place in the universe.” The scientific community did however develop a new generation of ships using engines that could generate a form of artificial gravity waves—not exactly natural gravity—yet a similar type of wave---appropriately named EGP, or electrogravimagnetic propulsion. These engines were a very good start; they could enable ships to travel to .98 of light speed, and then some eleven years later the ships were up to 1.85 of light speed. However, at those speeds the next closest galaxy was still hundreds of thousands of light years away. This intuitive scientist declared that a new design of EGP engine was necessary to reach other galaxies, for he so proposed in this fashion, “Just as huge sea faring ships plot their courses of travel where ocean currents can thrust the ships along and as airliners fly into tailwinds to increase their ground speed, the new design of EGP ships utilize space gravity currents of bodies of mass in space to pull the ships towards their target destination.” Alright; you are thinking. “What? Planes travel in the air and monitor their airspeed.” In simple terms, if the tailwind of an airplane is 30 mph and the overall airspeed is 265 mph, then the ground speed is 295 mph. The idea was to tune the electrogravimagnetic wave frequency of the ships’ engines to an opposite gravity wave frequency of any on coming star or stellar body thereby using the gravitational forces of attraction of the ship and stellar body to pull the ship along, so in literal terms, an interstellar ship would have an unlimited supply of fuel—an entire planet’s or star’s worth. Hydrogen is used to generate extremely high electrical currents, and in turn the electricity is used to generate the gravity waves created by specifically designed and shaped magnets that produce a complex frequency thereby forcing graviton strings to vibrate much faster than their normal rate. The early space ships and satellites used bodies of gravity to accelerate and decelerate, yet this new technique was different. By coordinating the gravity wave frequency of a ship's engines with that of a stellar body, the boundary of terminal velocity would be eliminated. Terminal velocity is for example, when an object is dropped off a building, that object will stop accelerating at some point, and the speed will remain constant; the same holds true for objects in space. There is an example of moving beyond terminal velocity in nature: Peregrine falcons can adopt body shapes and contours to decrease drag and increase speed to move beyond calculated terminal velocity. Copy Right 2008 Mr. Rocco LeFre

Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Short Day Dream with Potential

The weather today is nearly perfect, and although the forecasted high temperature is for 100 degrees, the humidity was very low by costal standards, for the constant, cool ocean breeze sometimes gusting to 20 mph invited anyone working that day to call in “on vacation”. “No; I’m not really sick by medical standards; I am just sick of work. Perhaps I shall never return” The sun shined bright, capable of burning the fair of skin quite quickly, yet the sky was perfectly flowing with big, beautiful fluffy puffs of cumulus clouds with perfect intermittence. The sun, lazily hiding behind the puffs of relaxation tranquilizing the senses, inviting the most serious and mature adult to come out to play and day dream. Today was no different from any other day; tacky tourists of all ages leaving their Starbucks cups on the boat, and the occasional cell phone left behind, and then there was that perfect weather of today, the sun and clouds performing their day-dream dance inviting all to come and play, and then there was the perfect weather inviting Robby to day dream between trips. Sometimes he would day-dream about a super-model renting his shuttle service for a full day; she would pay him to drive her to a secluded private cove where she could sun bath nude on the boat and swim nude; then she would say, “I’m board, so here is a camera. Now take tons of pictures of me.” His favorite part was that she was paying him. Oh well. Most surely such a male fantasy as this will never come true; however, there is nothing wrong by being positive. Copy Right 2008 Mr. Rocco LeFre

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Albert Einstein

“There lies before us, if we choose, continued progress in happiness, knowledge, and wisdom, shall we instead choose death, because we cannot forget our quarrels? We appeal, human beings, to human beings: remember your humanity, and forget the rest.”

The Younger Man and The Older Little Girl

The little girl asked the man who was forty-five yet appeared to be near thirty-five years of age, “Sir? Are you married?” “No, and why do you ask young lady?” He replied with a hint of humor in his voice. This young, intuitive lady, age twelve giggled and interjected back, “I never see you with any girls, but you act as though you are married.” The man laughed in response, “That’s an interesting observation Suzy; how does a person act married?” Robbie lives across the street from Suzy. He is a full-time writer and a part-time comedian, and he lives alone. Suzy lives with her mother and her eighteen-year-old sister; her mother has been divorced for five years. She questioned him again quickly, so she did not have to answer his last question. Observing Robbie’s gray hair and glasses her face turned to a serious look. “So how come you are not married by now; you must be at least fifty?” She is intuitive yet not fully understanding of adult chronological processes. “One question at a time officer Suzy; how does a person act married?” Suzy’s intuitively strong powers of observation demonstrated themselves in her response, “Because you never appear to be available to anyone.” Realization and sadness filled Robbie’s mind, and he admitted to Suzy, “You act much older for your age, and your powers of observation reflect themselves in your queries.” A look of confusion came across Suzy’s face, yet she pretended to appear smart and understand Robbie’s statement. Then Robbie explained, “Well older Suzy, I suppose this is my method of procrastination; at first I said I would settle down after college, and then when I buy my home, and after that it was after I become financially independent. Next after that I convinced myself I was waiting to meet the right person; I would be certain of this.” The reality was Robbie was sad-full and afraid of relationships. He did not want to explain to Suzy this; relationships with women made him feel like a hurt little boy in his inside, and he did not know how to overcome this feeling; this inhibited his having positive relationships with women. Then Robbie made a partial admission, “You are correct Suzy; I keep myself unavailable. This protects me from disappointment.” Robbie did not want to enlighten Suzy regarding the complexities of adulthood, so he quickly asked her a question to trick her. “So, Suzy, do you have a boyfriend?” She quickly responded strongly, “No way; I have too much home-work after school, and on the weekends I have music and tennis lessons, and all my chores to do around the house.” Robbie responded sarcastically, “Sooo! You are just too busy? I know that road.” She knew this trick and slammed Robbie with her point to all this. “Do not get philosophical,” she stated firmly, “You are still not married; Right? So will you ask my mom out for a date? She says you’re hot!” Copy Right 2008 Mr.Rocco LeFre

Endless Imaginations

In the imagination of our night-time dreams lies a universe, an endless universe of possibilities, of hopes, happiness, and stories; the other side of the spiritual equation. We can go any place, be any person, and do anything that our subconscious wishes. A simple day-dream is only hope, yet a night time dream is as real as our selves to the subconscious mind. At night as our subconscious explores and expresses the possibilities; these desires are entirely real to the subconscious mind; no difference in reality is perceived, so as far as the subconscious is concerned, all those imaginations actually happened for real. These for real experiences, we should learn from them. Copy Right 2008 Mr. Rocco LeFre